“Social media provides a platform for doctors to bring medicine every day.”
“Social media provides a platform for doctors to bring medicine every day.”
"Physicians have the highest suicide rate of any other profession."
“Children should not have to pay for their parent’s ignorance with their own health.”
“The traditional values held by the older generation do not reflect the traditional values held by younger generations.”
“The body politic needs to step away from regulating a person's body.”
"Climate change will create a rapid increase in the spread of diseases."
“Is my love enough? For her to know she does have a choice...”
"Many medical students now opt to writing their own personal oath."
“Physicians and hospital boards wary of paperwork and legal battles silently let him go.”
“Doctors are caught in the crosshair of legislation and comprehensive care for their patients.”
“Informed consent cannot be given if a patient has not been granted the opportunity to absorb, research, and ask questions after the initial visit.”
“Time is running out to address the lasting effects of climate change.”
“On Health Care Plans - ‘Choice Paralysis Appears Inevitable.’”
“New York’s Reproductive Health Act is a lightning rod.”
“The increasing reliance on crowdfunding exposes a deeply-flawed healthcare system.”
"Facebook arguably has the largest database of [suicidal behavior] content in the world."
“Access to women’s health care should not depend on anyone’s moral beliefs.”
“Differentiating between the two types of euthanasia ultimately depends on personal, moral, and religious beliefs.”
“Escape from the artificially planted voices in your head would be nearly impossible.”
“An appointment with a doctor shouldn’t create fear and a loss of control over one’s body or voice.”