In an overburdened healthcare system, health care providers are being asked to do more things with less time. An overwhelming administrative burden can diminish equity and efficiency within a healthcare practice. In the modern world, we have a new ecosystem of tools at our disposal, generative AI being of the emerging technologies. Generative AI like ChatGBT have become groundbreaking for content creation. The creation of audio, text, images and simulations have been accelerated through generative AI in a wide range of public U.S. systems. But organizing and compartmentalizing information brings a downfall that we ourselves recognize as perhaps inevitable: bias. At what point does generative AI transition into another bias-coding organism, in which forms of discrimination taint patient diagnosis or treatment plans?  

Many are wary of valuing efficiency over equity. Others encourage use of AI in healthcare, as practice makes perfect. As we take our first steps in AI development, generative AI has fallen into the medical world. ChatGBT’s release in 2022 expanded generative AI usage in a multitude of public sectors, healthcare being one of many. Clinicians must navigate complex webs of patient information while balancing ethical concerns. Little concern has sparked regarding use of AI for objective, administrative tasks. Healthcare is data and text rich. Scanning medical imaging or drafting pre-authorization requests for insurers are some of the lower risk possibilities. Saurabh Johri, chief scientific officer at Babylon Health, highlights the benefits of generative AI for administrative tasks, specifically for tele-medicine visits: “we have also developed generative AI models optimized for telemedicine consultations to automatically summarize patient-clinician consultations in near-real time, reducing the administrative burden placed on clinicians” [1]. Furthermore, many patients feel lost about their diagnosis or healthcare plan due to communication gaps with physicians. Thus, another outcome is using generative AI to merge this gap between physician and patient vocabulary. Generative AI can “support clinical decision-making [and] enhance patient literacy with educational tools that reduce jargon,” [2] said Jacqueline Shreibati, M.D., senior clinical lead. 

But eventually we reach the aspect of medicine that is not so black and white, where evaluating a person’s condition becomes less objective. Personalized medicine and patient diagnoses are unique to every patient, where treatment plans are crafted on a personal level. ChatGBT’s use has been contentious for patient diagnosis, where a patient’s symptoms act as input and the algorithm produces a diagnosis as output. 

Is this too good to be true? Some highlight that generative AI cannot stand in the shoes of a physician to make a diagnosis. First, forms of racial bias have emerged. Racial bias in particular has hindered the use of generative AI in healthcare; senior clinical lead at Google emphasizes this point: “A lot of [health] data has structural racism baked into the code” [2]. The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) describes AI use in healthcare now as a major risk: “embedding race into health care data and decisions can unintentionally advance racial disparities in health” [3]. 

How can this be? Generative AI in healthcare is often used to assess a patient’s risk for a condition, or to identify a patient’s general health needs. Therefore, if an algorithm receives input regarding trends where a health condition and racial background correlate, outcomes can be skewed. NIHCM highlighted this in a 2019 study, in which an algorithm replaced a physician’s judgment. Health risk scores were assigned to Black and White patients. Black patients, who were significantly sicker than White patients, received the same risk score. This was ultimately due to a trend embedded in the algorithm: Black patients have lower health care spendings than White patients for a given level of health, likely due to disparities in the health care system. Without this element of bias in the algorithm, Black patients would have received around 30% more care [3]. 

Other limitations of generative AI are simply due to the nature of technology. Some point out that a patient’s narrative and personal condition cannot be reduced to patterns and facts. Although ChatGBT scores well on national medical exams, a patient’s pain is often multifaceted. This was highlighted by ER doctor Joshua Tamayo-Sarver, who experimentally tested ChatGBT’s patient diagnosis abilities. Taymayo-Sarver presented medical narratives and symptoms from 40 of his patients to ChatGBT. Only 50% of ChatGBT’s diagnoses were correct. He concluded that “the art of medicine is extracting all the necessary information required to create the right narrative…we must be very careful to avoid inflated expectations with programs like ChatGPT, because in the context of human health, they can literally be life-threatening” [4]. 

ChatGBT has sparked conversation for generative AI. We face a crowded healthcare system built by hardworking clinicians. Many are tempted to implement AI into all aspects of health care and work to eliminate algorithm bias. Others highlight the fragility of human lives, in which algorithms are unfit to evaluate deeply personalized human conditions. As AI continues its exponential growth, we fall into a cost-benefit analysis of unfamiliar territory. Will human growth in medicine be supported or jeopardized through AI implementation? 

Work Cited

  1. Siwicki, Bill. “A Primer on Generative AI – and What It Could Mean for Healthcare.” Healthcare IT News, 9 Mar. 2023,

  2. King, Robert. “Google, Microsoft Execs Share How Racial Bias Can Hinder Expansion of Health Ai.” Fierce Healthcare, Questex, 23 Feb. 2023,

  3. Jones, David S. “Racial Bias in Health Care Artificial Intelligence.” NIHCM,

  4. Tamayo-Sarver, Joshua. Chatgpt in the Emergency Room? the AI Software Doesn't Stack Up. FastCompany, 
