There are moments in which you question what it means to be feminine. In this day and age, we don’t define gender by what physical parts you have. Instead, we use terms of femininity and masculinity.
However, you cannot be defined as completely one or the other. Biologically, you possess masculine androgens but you feel completely feminine. That is, until you think of how excess hair growth and infertility detract from your sense of femininity.
Growing up, people always pointed out that you were so strong for a tiny thing. They said that you must have had brothers because you didn’t play like the other girls.
But was this really the case? Did you grow up disliking the color pink because your hormones were tending towards a male composition? Did you hate the idea of “running like a girl” because your body told you that you were more like a boy?
This condition brings into question the separation between gender and sex. It makes you question your ideals as a woman; that you can do anything that a man can. It makes it seem to you as if all the constraints of society on abilities based on gender may be valid after all.
But this is not true. You must tell yourself that your capabilities are no less and no more because of this condition. What your body is doing should not negatively impact your mind’s perception of who you are.