“Placebo controlled trials remain controversial for diseases that have any sort of proven treatment.”
“Placebo controlled trials remain controversial for diseases that have any sort of proven treatment.”
“Strong demand for telemedicine by consumers with convenience as the top motivator."
'“Patients are more than how they present medically, and all should be treated with respect.”
“Interactions with animals should be based upon a deeper relationship of respect for their interests.”
“The promise IPS cells hold in curing or arresting the damage done by neurodegenerative disorders, cardiac arrest and strokes are worthy of being pursued further.”
“The failed negotiations led to the insurance company changing the status of her hospital from in-network to out-of-network.”
“The Trump administration's responses to the hurricanes in Texas and Puerto Rico had glaring differences.”
“Many ethical issues arise from the present day structure of commercial surrogacy.”
"On average, 318 people are victims of gun violence every day in the United States."
"Companies that mine data from large data sets or de-identified biospecimens face potential problems."
"While some of my peers at UVa may call for the “elimination” of safe spaces, it seems now more than ever we need to do the opposite."
"Being ill is an announcement to those around us that something is wrong."
"Would you take a pill to make you smarter?
"Post-regulation of supplements has been detrimental to the consumer and beneficial to the industry."
"At their core, many ethical issues are due to a lack of communication..."
"The protection of rights is admirable but not when a law would criminalize a sacred ritual"
"The resident’s patronizing way combined with her dismissal of a legal document unsettled me"
"I just let him suffer...
"It should not be radical to believe that everyone, regardless of income, should have healthcare"
"But it is time for me to go, will they respect my wishes?